We supply Australian native seeds and manage rehabilitation projects internationally
We supply a range of native seeds such as Acacias, Eucalypts, Sandalwoods and salt tolerant seeds such as Atriplex and Maireana and also Australian Wildflowers eg Swainsona formosa. We also supply both regular and weeping Tagasaste.
Major customers include mine/land revegetation projects as well as exports.

Our policy on seed purity is to ensure our customers receive clean seed. Through the development of our own seed cleaning and processing equipment we minimise inert matter and maximise value for money. Our reputation as superior native seed merchants is firmly based on the quality of our product.
All seed is cleaned, cut-test for preliminary quality assessment, sealed and stored under appropriate conditions. We have a permanent seed cleaning and processing team using purpose-designed and built machinery.
Scarifying hard coated seeds allows the seed to absorb moisture much easier leading to faster germination. This we achieve by putting the seeds through the Kimseed Direct Drive Seed Scarifier.
The end result is greater profitability.

We put Saltbush seeds through the Kimseed Multi-Thresher CW-09(b) to remove inhibitors in bracts which slow down germination. This is a vital step to get really viable seed.
Then if pure seed is required we reclean the seed. Each step reduces the volume but increases the number of seeds per gram.
Atriplex nummularia — (Old Man Saltbush)

TAGASASTE (Often referred to as tree lucerne)
We stock both regular and weeping Tagasaste which provide high yields of palatable, nutritious fodder whilst at the same time increasing soil fertility through nitrogen fixation and thereby greatly adding to the profitability of the farming enterprise. We supply an inoculant with the seed and will scarify on request. The Rhizobium in the inoculant are nitrogen fixing bacteria that form nodules on the roots of legumes in a process known as “nitrogen fixation”.
The Weeping Tagasaste instead of growing vertically grows prostrate making it easier for livestock to graze the entire plant.

Libya Project

Between 2008 and 2009, Kimseed and AGWEST of Ag. Dept. in WA have proudly worked together to conclude a consultancy, rehabilitation and procurement project in different rangelands in Libya. Above are some of the photos which were taken over the project stages.
Kuwait Project

Rangeland seeder
In 2003 Kimseed provided technical services to K.I.S.R. at the Sulaibiya Agricultural Research Station. The following year Kimseed provided equipment and advice for trials of techniques suitable for the remediation of damage caused by the Iraqi occupation of Kuwait. Kimseed proposed and trialled a technology dramatically different and significantly more cost-effective that the solutions proposed by the UN Compensation Commission.
Seed Cleaning

China Forage Seed Project
This current project was part of an overall strategy to supplement existing fodder production, forage grass and legume seed supply in China and in so doing improve the sustainability of farming systems and raise the incomes of poor rural families.
Umbawa, Indonesia
This project ran until early 2000, entailed specialised procedures for rapid erosion control and revegetation management of the steep slopes around the site, prior to and during the wet season. Schedules for the supply and operation of purpose-built machinery, products and training of local people are also an integral component of the contract taking place on the worlds largest mine construction site.
Kimseed secured a contract for Dryland & Rangeland Seeders and unique machinery trailers for the Kurdish community in Northern Iraq. This specialised equipment was to enable the local people to efficiently collect and sow their own local seed for pasture improvement and sustainable crop management.
A 1997 project stemming from visits by Libyan Government officials and Kimseed representatives resulted in an initial machinery contract of $1.3million and over half a million dollars of pasture seed. Soil conservation and forage improvement projects in locations adjoining the Sahara Desert demanded an extensive range of machinery and equipment. Many of the machines were designed and adapted in association with other machinery manufacturers throughout Australia. Libyan personnel were trained in Libya by Kimseed staff.
International Rural Development Projects
Kimseed is a major supplier to bilateral and multilateral aid programs throughout the world. The Group’s largest clients include The United Nations (FAO and UNDP), GTZ German Aid, DANIDA Danish Aid and the Australian AusAID.